Community Resources
Free resources in Calgary and area that you may find helpful:
available 24/7 phone: 403-266-4357
text: 403-266-4357
Connect Teen
Text: 587-333-2724
Phone: 403-264-8336
available 24/7 to provide information and referrals to various human services.
Dial 2-1-1
Parenting After Separation seminar
Free and required if you have children and intend to divorce.
Alberta Justice Family Mediation
no cost and one parent must earn $60,000 or less to qualify
Alberta Health Services Addictions & Mental Health Resources
Alberta Family Violence Resources
Family Violence Information Line: Call or text 310-1818
Men's HelpLine 1-833-327-6367
There are a broad range of resources and supports to help individuals and families achieve safety and heal from the impacts of family violence.